Saturday, June 29, 2013

Book Review: Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

For awhile now, I've heard quite a bit of hype for this fairy tale-retelling story, so I decided to pick it up. If you're wary, I definitely recommend taking the plunge!

Scarlett March lives to hunt the Fenris--the werewolves that took her eye when she was defending her sister Rosie from a brutal attack. Armed with a razor-sharp hatchet and blood-red cloak, Scarlett is an expert at luring and slaying the wolves. She's determined to protect other young girls from a grisly death, and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead.
Rosie March once felt her bond with her sister was unbreakable. Owing Scarlett her life, Rosie hunts ferociously alongside her. But even as more girls' bodies pile up in the city and the Fenris seem to be gaining power, Rosie dreams of a life beyond the wolves. She finds herself drawn to Silas, a young woodsman who is deadly with an ax and Scarlett's only friend--but does loving him mean betraying her sister and all that they've worked for?

This book alternates between two different perspectives: Scarlett, the fierce hunter and Rosie, the sister who is loving and gentle. Throughout each, I felt that the author did a good job at developing each character's arc and how they perceived the world. Their priorities were different yet paralleling, which I enjoyed. 
The story and world are very interesting if not overused. I've read many fairy tale redos, and I think that Little Red Riding Hood is the most popular (critics would say it's from Jacob Black, but I'm not so sure). However, I felt like it didn't lag or create an atmosphere that I didn't want to be apart of. The story simply flowed.
For some reason, I just couldn't really get into the romance between Silas and Rosie. Maybe it's because his name makes him sound like a 75 year-old, maybe not. 
This book is categorized under 'Teen Paranormal Romance' which I can see. I've seen several people griping about how it isn't, but let's rethink about what that could mean, huh? There is romance. There is a paranormal aspect. Paranormal + Romance = Paranormal Romance. The phrase in itself does not have to mean that the protagonist(s) fall in love with something of the paranormal world.
However, the romantic elements do not support the book. Many of the scenes contain action or suspense about killing the Fenris (werewolves) that are killing many people. Scarlett feels that it is her job to protect society, while, often times, Silas and Rosie sit in the corner and want to enjoy normal life.
I am glad that I powered through and made it to the end, though. All in all, I felt like it was a good story and I will be checking out the next two books (even though I believe they do not include these characters). 
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Over and out,

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